Results-Based Management
Managing for Development Results
Budgeting - Change - Development Cooperation - Financing - Human Resources - Management Cycle (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) - Performance - Productivity - Public Sector/Service - Results-Based Management (General)[.pdf]RBM062- Results-Based Budgeting: Objectives, Expected Results and Performance Indicators. Presentation by Virginie Besrest. 2012. Council of Europe. 8 pages. (232 KB).
[.pdf]RBM109- A Basic Model of Performance-Based Budgeting. Marc Robinson and Duncan Last. 12 pages. 2009. (500 KB).
[.pdf]RBM089- Systems of Management Control and Results-Based Budgeting: The Chilean Experience. GOVERNMENT OF CHILE MINISTRY OF FINANCE National Budget Office. 83 pages. 2003. (270 KB).
[.pdf]RBM111- About Results-Based Budgeting. Government Performance. Caroline Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM). 2007. 3 pages. (40 KB).
[.pdf]RBM112- “Results-Based Budgeting” from Performance Measurement: Getting Results. The Urban Institute Press. 2006. 37 pages. (149 KB).
[.pdf]RBM113- Implementing Results-based budgeting in the Ministry of Defense of Peru. Natalie J. Webb. 2012. 22 pages. (248 KB).
[.pdf]RBM114- Performance-based Budgeting. Training Manual. Regional Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR). 2011. 152 pages. (895 KB).
[.pdf]RBM115- Results-based budgeting: Delivering results responsibly. PWC. 2013. 4 pages. (200 KB).
[.pdf]RBM116- Results-Orientated Budget Practice in OECD Countries. Aidan Rose, Department of Law, Governance and International Relations
London Metropolitan University. 2003. 76 pages. (225 KB).[.pdf]RBM117- Guide to Performance-based Budgeting. Dr B. Navin. Centre for Good Governance. CGG Collected Working Papers: 2003 — Volume 2. 2003. 15 pages. (3.4 MB).
[.pdf]RBM118- SEMINAR ON RESULT BASED BUDGETING:OBJECTIVES, EXPECTED RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, Strasbourg, 25 September. Notes from Ian C. Davies. Council of Europe. 2012. 7 pages.(62 KB).
[.pdf]RBM119- Results-Based Budgeting .... Breaking the trade-off between price and performance through public sector innovation.STEEVES ADVISORY Inc. 2012. 9 pages.(91 KB).
[.pdf]RBM120- Development effectiveness and results-based budgeting: Papers presented during meetings of the Regional
Policy Dialogue’s Public Policy Management and Transparency Network(5th: 2009: Brasilia, Brazil). IDB. 2009. 298 pages.(9.1 MB).
[.pdf]RBM121- Performance-Based Budget Systems. Richard D. Young. USC INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLICY RESEARCH - PUBLIC POLICY & PRACTICE JANUARY 2003. 2003. 14 pages.(1.0 MB).
[.pdf]RBM122- Performance Information in the Budget Process: Results of the OECD 2005 Questionnaire. Teresa Curristine. OECD JOURNAL ON BUDGETING, Volume 5 – No. 1. OECD. 2005. 46 pages.(289 KB).
[.pdf]RBM123- Government Performance:Lessons and Challenges. OECD JOURNAL ON BUDGETING Volume 5 – No. 1. Teresa Curristine. OECD. 2005. 26 pages.(300 KB).
[.pdf]RBM124- The Effects of Results-Oriented Budgeting on Government Spending Patterns in Thailand. Arwiphawee Srithongrung.
International Public Management Review, Volume 10, Issue 1. 2009. 31 pages.(333 KB).[.pdf]RBM125- Performance-Based Budgeting: The Contribution of the Program Assessment Rating Tool. PATRICK R. MULLEN. 2006. 10 pages.(103 KB).
[.pdf]RBM126- Malaysia: Integrated Results-Based Management – the Malaysia Experience. Koshy Thomas, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia.
Sourcebook, Second Edition. 2007. 9 pages.(170 KB).[.pdf]RBM127- Performance-Based Budgeting:OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSIDERATIONS. A SEIU Local 1000 report. 2010. 24 pages.(668 KB).
[.pdf]RBM128- Performance-Based Budgeting:Concepts and Examples. Research Report No. 302. Legislative Research Commission, Kentucky. 2002. 91 pages.(867 KB).
[.pdf]RBM129- UNITED NATIONS Guide to results-based budgeting. Version 1.1 (23 October 1998). 64 pages.(180 KB).
[.pdf]RBM130- Results-based Budgeting under Modified Budgeting System. CoP-MfDR Annual Meeting. Koshy Thomas. Ministry of Finance, Malaysia 2009. 15 pages.(358 KB).
[.pdf]RBM131- Anatomy of a Priority-Budget Process. The Government Finance Officers Association. 26 pages. 2011. (313 KB).
[.pdf]RBM132- Achieving Results Performance Budgeting in the Least Developed Countries. 246 pages. 2006. (2.77 MB).
[.pdf]RBM133- PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT, BENCHMARKING & OUTCOME-BASED BUDGETING FOR WISCONSIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Alan Probst, Prof. Steve Deller, UW-Madison and Prof. Craig Maher. Second Edition. Local Government Center. 68 pages. 2009.
(650 KB).
[.pdf]RBM134- Performance-Based Budgeting: Interpretations and Best Practices. 2012 PPMRN Conference. Neubrain LLC. 13 pages. 2012.(1.0 MB)
[.pdf]RBM135- Performance-Based Budgeting: Beginning the Journey. School Budgeting for Hard Times. 19 pages. 2010.(255 KB).
[.pdf]RBM136- Performance Based Accountability and Budgeting. Paul Posner, George Mason University. 9 pages. 2010.(81 KB).
[.pdf]RBM137- Performance Budgeting Models and Mechanisms. Marc Robinson. 29 pages. 2007.(143 KB).
[.pdf]RBM138- HOW TO DESIGN AND CARRY OUT DATA COLLECTION STRATEGIES FOR RESULTS-BASED BUDGETING: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE. Jane L. Reisman, Ph.D., Bill Leon, Ph.D., RobRoy Erickson The Evaluation Forum Seattle, Washington. 114 pages. 2002. (754 KB).
[.pdf]RBM139- Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF): A Guide to Results-Based Budgeting in the Philippines.
Department of Budget and Management Malacañang, Manila. 106 pages. 2012.(951 KB).[.pdf]RBM140- Budgeting for equity: Gender budget initiatives within a framework of performance oriented budgeting. Sharp, Rhonda. UNIFEM.
94 pages. 2003.(2.2 MB).
[.pdf]RBM142- A Bibliometric Model for Performance-Based Budgeting of Research Institutions: Recommendation from the committee
appointed by the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions on assignment from the Ministry of Education and Research. 51 pages. 2008.(279 KB).[.pdf]RBM143- Better Budgeting for Better Results.Performance-based budgeting reforms can save Nevada taxpayers billions. Geoffrey Lawrence. Nevada Policy Research Institute. 36 pages. 2011.(538 KB).
[.pdf]RBM144- INNOVATIONS IN GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC SERVICE TO ACHIEVE A HARMONIOUS SOCIETY. Perormance-Based Budgeting In China: A Case Study Of Guangdong Meili Niu. Assistant Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, China; Alfred Ho Associate Professor, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, USA; Jun MaProfessor, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. 23 pages. 2005.(139 KB).
[.pdf]RBM145- Performance Incentives Based on Results. Undersecretary Laura B. Pascua. Department of Budget and Management, Philippines.
24 pages. 2012.(1.62 MB).[.pdf]RBM145b- Suggested Framework for Implementation of Performance Budgeting in the Public Sector of Developing Countries. With special focus on Egypt. Hassan A. G. Ouda, Ph.D, Department of Accounting & Financial Control, Faculty of Management Technology - German University In Cairo. 28 pages. 2011.(191 KB).
[.pdf]RBM146- Manual for the application of gender budgeting within the Belgian federal administration. Liesbeth De Wolf and Kim Vandekerckhove. 90 pages. 2011. (2.81 MB).
[.pdf]RBM147- Integration of activity-based budgeting and activity-based management. Tandung Huynh, Guangming Gong, Huyhanh Huynh.
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences. 2013; 1(4): 181-187. 7 pages. 2011.(262 KB).[.pdf]RBM148- Best-practice budgeting. IBM Canada. 7 pages. 2011.(159 KB).
[.pdf]RBM149- INTEGRATED RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT – COUNTRY EXPERIENCES FROM ASIA & AFRICA. Koshy Thomas, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia. 7 pages. 2008.(88 KB).
[.pdf]RBM150- METHODS OF BUDGETING. Northern Ireland Assembly,Research and Library Services. Research Paper 06/10. 30 pages. 2010.
(88 KB).[.pdf]RBM010- Managing for Change:Introducing the Art of Results Based Management. Philip Cox, Chris Enns.PLAN:NET LIMITED. 2009, 38 pages (3.0 MB).
[.pdf]RBM020- Theory of Change: A Practical Tool For Action, Results and Learning. ANNIE E. CASEY FOUNDATION. 2004. 49 pages (820 KB).
PDF]RBM030- REVIEW: RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION. Janet Vähämäki, Martin Schmidt, and Joakim Molander. 2011. 56 pages (706 KB).
[.pdf]RBM002- United Nations Development Group Results-Based Management Handbook: Strengthening RBM harmonization for improved development results, 2010, 62 pages, (1.0 MB).
[.pdf]RBM009- RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT:TOWARDS A COMMON UNDERSTANDING AMONG DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCIES. Discussion Paper (Ver. 5.0) Prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency, Performance Review Branch, for consideration by the DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness and Harmonisation.. 2003, 26 pages (758 KB).
[.pdf]RBM005- Results-Based Management in the Development Co-Operation Agencies: A Review of Experience. Backgound Paper. OECD. 2000. 158 pages,. (724 KB)
[.pdf]RBM006- RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK: Harmonizing RBM concepts and approaches for improved development results at country level. United Nations Development Group. 2011, 68 pages (7.5 MB)
[.pdf]RBM039- UN Results Based Management Seminar on Results Based Management and Performance Reporting – an Australian Perspective. 2004. 50 pages (361 KB).
[.pdf]RBM044- Results Management in Norwegian Development Cooperation: A practical guide. NORAD, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
36 pages. (1.2 MB).[.pdf]RBM049- MANAGING AID RELATIONSHIPS IN THE CONTEXT OF RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT: A case study of support to civil society within Swedish Development Cooperation. Anna Samuelsson. 2013. 58 pages. (580 KB).
[.pdf]RBM050- Results-Based Management of Basic Research: Regional and Interregional Cooperation to Strengthen Basic Sciences in Developing Countries. 2009. 66 pages. (1.6 MB).
[.pdf]RBM071- Evaluation Results-Based Approach in Finnish Development Cooperation. 110 pages. 2011. (7.6 M).
[.pdf]RBM072- Results-based Monitoring Guidelines for Technical Cooperation. 41 pages. GIZ. 2008. (500 KB).
[.pdf]RBM078- Danish Development Cooperation in a Results Perspective Danida's Framework for Managing for Development Results 2011-2014. DANIDA. 29 pages. 2011. (800 KB)
[.pdf]RBM092- Are Funding Decisions Based on Performance?.A comparison of approaches as practiced by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and the World Bank’s Multi-Country AIDS Program for Africa in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia. Center for Global Development. 56 pages. 2010. (811 KB).
KIT (ROYAL TROPICAL INSTITUTE) In collaboration with Cordaid and WHO. 57 pages. 2009. (627 KB).[.pdf]RBM082- Results-Based Financing for Health (RBF) Basic Economics of Results-Based Financing in Health.William D. Savedoff. Social Insight. 18 pages. 2010. (453 KB).
[.pdf]RBM094- An overview of research on the effects of results-based financing. Report from Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services nr 16 –2008. Systematic Review. 79 pages. 2008. (342 KB).
[.pdf]RBM151- Best Practices and Performance-Based HR System in Korea. Eun-Suk Lee,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Seongsu Kim, Seoul National University Seoul, Korea. Seoul Journal of Business Volume 12, Number 1 (June 2006). 16 pages. (56 KB).
[.pdf]RBM152- THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Esra NEMLİ ÇALIŞKAN, Associate Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences Department of Business. Journal of Naval Science and Engineering
2010, Vol. 6 , No.2, pp. 100-116. 2010. 16 pages. (248 KB).Management Cycle (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning)
[.pdf]RBM017- Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results. UNDP. 2002. 152 pages (860 KB).
[.pdf]RBM074- Planning and Managing for HIV/AIDS Results: A Handbook. Global AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Team - GAMET
World Bank Global HIV/AIDS Program2007. (3.7 MB).DF]RBM007- Understanding Results Based Programme Planning and Management:Tools to Reinforce Good Programming Practice. UNICEF. 2003,
26 pages (263 KB).[.pdf]RBM069- Strategic Planning and Scripture Use: Integration of Results Based Management and Conditions of Scripture Use.
CAROL JEAN GALLAGHER.2009. 42 pages.(238 KB).[.pdf]RBM015- Monitoring & Evaluation Guidelines. United Nations World Food Programme Office of Evaluation. 23 pages (606 KB).
[.pdf]RBM047- Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: A Handbook for Development Practitioners. Jody Zall Kusek
Ray C. Rist.World Bank. 2004. 264 pages. (1.0 MB).[.pdf]RBM051- INTRODUCTION OF RESULTS-BASED MONITORING AND EVALUATION. Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation
System (SMES) Project. 2009. 29 pages. (376 KB).
RBM070- Results-based monitoring and evaluation for organizations working in agricultural development: A guide for practitioners.
International Livestock Research Institute. 74 pages. 2010. (400 KB).[.pdf]RBM077- A Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to Determine Performance and Success of ESD in TVET: The Case of the Philippines. Dr. Miriam Necesito, Prof. Romeo B. Santos, Ph.D., Mr. John Ian Fulgar. 11 pages. 2009. (1.1 MB)
[.pdf]RBM106- Measuring Capacity Development. Combining the ‘Best of Two Worlds’ in Monitoring and Evaluation of Capacity Development.
David Watson. 12 pages. 2011. (113 KB).[.pdf]RBM011- Insider Insights: Building a Results-Based Management and Evaluation System In Colombia. Maluel Fernando CAstro. World Bank. 2009, 54 pages (663 KB).
[.pdf]RBM012- Results-Based Programming, Management and Monitoring (RBM) approach as applied at UNESCO: Guiding Principles.2011,
41 pages (644 KB).[.pdf]RBM019- Reporting on Outcomes: Setting Performance Expectations and Telling Performance Stories. John Mayne. Office of the Auditor General of Canada. 2003. 24 pages (132 KB).
[.pdf]RBM063- A framework for qualitatively evaluating management plans in a results-based perspective. Rochet M.J., Trenkel V.M., Rice J.C. 2010. 15 pages. (122 KB).
[.pdf]RBM023- Performance-Based Management. Cathy Iles DHS Performance Measure Coordinator. Oregon Department of Human Services. 2011. 19 pages (319 KB).
[.pdf]RBM034- PERFORMANCE-BASED MANAGEMENT: Eight Steps To Develop and Use Information Technology Performance Measures Effectively. General Services Administration Office of Governmentwide Policy. USA. 118 pages (746 KB).
[.pdf]RBM035- Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information. National Treasury, South Africa. 2007. 28 pages (1.9 MB).
[.pdf]RBM018- Learning from Evaluative Activity: Enhancing Performance through Outcome-focussed Management. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. New-Zealand. 2003. 15 pages (433 KB).
[.pdf]RBM046- Manager's Guide to Implementing Performance-based Management. Environment Canada. 2000. 55 pages. (350 KB).
[.pdf]RBM060- Standards-Based Management and Recognition: A Field Guide. A Practical Approach for Improving the Performance and Quality of Health Services. Edgar Necochea, Débora Bossemeyer. JHPIEGO. 2006. 84 pages. (3.6 MB).
[.pdf]RBM064- Organisational Performance Management in a Government Context: A Literature Review. The Scottish Government. 2008. 42 pages. (506 KB).
[.pdf]RBM081- How to Improve Government Performance (Challenges, Possible Solutions and Lessons of International Experience). Dr. Prajapati Trivedi Secretary, Performance Management Cabinet Secretariat, India. 84 pages. 2009. (4.2 MB).
[.pdf]RBM085- Counting what counts: performance and effectiveness in the humanitarian sector. Ben Ramalingam and John Mitchell
with John Borton and Kristin Smart. ALNAP Review of Humanitarian Action. 90 pages. 2013. (271 KB).[.pdf]RBM105- PERFORMANCE MEASURE GUIDE. OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. State of Washington. 27 pages. 2009. (1.4 MB).
[.pdf]RBM008- Results-Based Management: The Key to Unlocking Talent, Increasing Productivity. A Prerequisite for Workshifting Initiatives.
Telework Research Network. 2010, 23 pages (3.3 MB).[.pdf]RBM045- Results Based Management: An Overview of its Applications in the Public Sector.Cedric Saldanha. 16 pages. (112 KB).
[.pdf]RBM022- Towards a Results-Based Management approach in the public sector: The example of Trinidad and Tobago. UNDP, Knowledge Sharing Series. 2011. 40 pages. (1.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM029- Framework for Results-Based Public Sector and Country Cases. Asia-Pacific Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results (CoP-MfDR).2011.48 pages (1.1 MB).
[.pdf]RBM055- Targets and Results in Public Sector Management: Uganda Case Study. Working Paper 205. Tim Williamson, Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, ODI. 2003. 123 pages. (410 KB).
[.pdf]RBM087- THE PERFORMANCE PARADOX IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR. SANDRA VAN THIEL Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands FRANS L. LEEUW Dutch Educational Review Office. Productivity in Review. 15 pages. 2002. (83 KB).
[.pdf]RBM054- RAPID RESULTS APPROACH / INITIATIVE: Institutionalization of Results Based Management in Kenya Public Service. Obong'o Sylvester. 2008. 6 pages. (47 KB).
[.pdf]RBM058- Managing and Measuring Public Service in Commonwealth Africa: Report of the Sixth Commonwealth Forum of Heads of African Public Services. Mahe, Seychelles. 13-15 July 2009.Improving african public services Series: NO.6. 130 pages. (573 KB).
[.pdf]RBM059- EU Policy Coherence for Development: from moving the goalposts to result-based management?.European Centre for Development
Policy Management (ECDPM). Discussion Paper no 101. 2010. 49 pages. (434 KB).[.pdf]RBM064b- MAKING RESULTS-BASED STATE GOVERNMENT WORK. Blaine Liner, Harry P. Hatry, Elisa Vinson, Ryan Allen, Pat Dusenbury, Scott Bryant, Ron Snell, NCSL. The Urban Insitute. 2001. 158 pages. (2.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM076- From Research to Results: A Decade of Results-Based Service Improvement in Canada. Brian Marson
Ralph Heintzman.IPAC. 46 pages. 2009. (1.8 MB)[.pdf]RBM079- Managing for Results in State Government: Evaluating a Decade of Reform. Donald P . Moynihan
University oUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison. 13 pages. 2008. (177 KB).[.pdf]RBM098- MANAGING FOR RESULTS: Federal Managers' Views on Key Management Issues Vary Widely Across Agencies. United States General Accounting Office (GAO). 203 pages. 2001. (1.2 MB).
Results-Based Management (General)
[.pdf]RBM001- Results-Based Management (RBM), Guiding Principles, UNESCO, 62 pages, (501 KB).
[.pdf]RBM004- Results Based Management Concepts and Methodology. 2000, UNDP 19 pages, (256 KB).
[.pdf]RBM013- Programme/project management:The results-based approach.2008, ICRC. 89 pages (6.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM014- Results-Based Management 101. Mark Schacter Murray Kronick, FCMC. Performance and Planning Exchange. 2010, 65 pages.
(1.6 MB).[
[.pdf]RBM016- Sourcebook on results based management in the European Structural Funds. Community of Practice on Results-Based Management. 240 pages (6.1 MB).
[.pdf]RBM024- RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK. 2007. Global Environment Facility. 31 pages (460 KB).
[.pdf]RBM025- RBM Handbook on Developing Results Chains: The Basics of RBM as Applied to 100 Project Examples. 2000. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 146 pages (1.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM026- Implementing Results-Based Management in Local Government. James E. Swiss and Stephen K. Straus. 2005. 11 pages (394 KB)
[.pdf]RBM031- Results-Based Management Capacity Assessment Toolkit. Regional Aids Training Network (RATN), Kenya. 2011.37 pages (411 KB)
[.pdf]RBM033- RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT. UNEP Brown Bag Lunch. Kabell Konsulting ApS2006. 29 pages (246 KB).
[.pdf]RBM033b- A Reference Paper for CIDA Officers Engaged in Capacity Development and Program-Based Approaches Such as SWAps. Réal Lavergne. CIDA. 2006. 45 pages (158 KB).
[.pdf]RBM036- Results-Based Management Training for RCPAR Network members. ITC/ILO Training Centre, Turin, Italy. UNDP. 2010. 73 pages (1.9 MB).
[.pdf]RBM038- DFID's RESULTS FRAMEWORK: Managing and reporting DFID results. 11 pages (302 KB).
[.pdf]RBM043- Best Practices in Results-Based Management: A Review of Experience A Report for the United Nations Secretariat. Volume 1: Main Report. John Mayne 2007. 21 pages. (1.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM048- Integrated Results-based Management and Accountability Framework and Risk-Based Audit Framework.Canada Research Chairs. 2006. 41 pages. (228 KB).
[.pdf]RBM052- Getting Better at Managing for Outcomes: A tool to help organisations consider their progress in results-based management and identify development objectives.Thre Treasury of New Zealand. 2005. 13 pages. (186 KB).
[.pdf]RBM053- Update on results-based management for the new business model. Cities Alliance. 2010. 10 pages. (936 KB).
[.pdf]RBM056- Results-Based Management and Expenditure Management: Our Canadian Experience. International Program for Development Evaluation Training. Presentation by Anne Routhier. Treasure Board of Canada Sexretariat. 2012. 26 pages. (1.3 MB).
[.pdf]RBM057- Community of Practice on Results Based Management (RBM). Benedict Wauters. Flemish ESF Agency. 2009. 17 pages. (360 KB).
[.pdf]RBM061- The Making of the Millennium Development Goals: Human Development Meets Results-based Management In an Imperfect World.
David Hulme. Brooks World Poverty Institute. BWPI Working Paper 16. 2007. 28 pages. (125 KB).[.pdf]RBM065- Results and Impact Management System (RIMS). FIRST AND SECOND LEVEL RESULTS HANDBOOK. 2011. 82 pages. (1.3 MB.
[.pdf]RBM066- Species at Risk Program: Results-based Management and Accountability Framework and Risk-based Audit Framework. 2008. Government of Canada. 84 pages. (414 KB).
[.pdf]RBM067- Guidance on Outcome Focused Management.Building Block 2 : Outcome Indicators. Version 2.1, 2003. Pathfinder. 14 pages.
(160 KB).[.pdf]RBM068- The Rapid Results Approach: Briefing Note Prepared by Nadim Matta, Zahra Hassanali, and Rashmir Balasubramaniam. 2005. 7 pages. (155 KB).
[.pdf]RBM080- The burden of proof in co-management and results-based management: the elephant on the deck! Mike Fitzpatrick, Norman Graham, Dominic J. Rihan, and Dave G. Reid. 7 pages. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2011. (198 KB)
[.pdf]RBM083- Logical Framework Approach and Outcome Mapping A constructive attempt of synthesis. Daniel Roduner and Walter Schläppi, AGRIDEA and Walter Egli, NADEL (ETH Zurich). Rural Development News. 11 pages. 2008. (2.0 MB).
[.pdf]RBM084- The Managing for Results Self-Assessment Tool. Treasury Board of of Canada secretariat. 43 pages. 2003. (1.6 MB).
[.pdf]RBM096- Designing for outcomes. A practical resource to support effective design, delivery and evaluation of work in health and social care.
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP).18 pages. 2007. (2.4 MB).[.pdf]RBM100- Measure for measure: A field-based snapshot of the implementation of results based management in UNHCR. 37 pages. 2010.
(176 KB).
[.pdf]RBM103- Results-Based Organization Design for Technology Entrepreneurs. Chris McPhee. 8 pages. 2012. (502 KB).
[.pdf]RBM003- Guide for the Development of Results-based Management and Accountability Frameworks.Treasury Board Secretariat, Canada. 2001, 46 pages, (360 KB).
[.pdf]RBM021- Balanced Scorecard and Results-Based Management Convergent Performance Management Systems. Gavin Lawrie, Dirk Kalff and Henrik Andersen Presented at 3rd Annual Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Nice, France. 2005. 17 pages (349 KB).
[.pdf]RBM104- Activity-based Costing (ABC) and Activitybased Management (ABM) Implementation – Is This the Solution for Organizations to Gain Profitability?. Ildikó Réka CARDOŞ, Ştefan PETE 18 pages. 2011. (324 KB).
[.pdf]RBM107- Building an Evaluative Culture for Effective Evaluation and Results Management. John Mayne. Instititionam Learning and Change (ILAC). November 2008. 14 pages. 2009. (77 KB).
[.pdf]RBM110- Managing a Sustainable Results Based Management (RBM) System. Global Expert Team GET)-Public Sector Performance. GET Note: Results Based Management Systems “Recently Asked Questions” Series, 63747. 11 pages. 2011. (785 KB).
[.pdf]RBM141- Framework for Results-Based Sector Management and Country Cases. Asia-Pacific Community of Practice on Managing Development Results. 48 pages. 2011.(1.1 MB).
Communities of Practice (CoPs)
SEA Change is a maturing virtual Community of Practice (CoP) focused on the monitoring and evaluation of climate change in Asia, and beyond. Where the community was initially focused on Southeast Asia - hence the 'SEA' in SEA Change - the focus now includes the entire Asian continent in its widest definition. interventionsCommunity of Practice in RBM in the European Social Fund (ESF)
The site is oriented to policy-makers and programme managers involved with the preparation, management, monitoring and evaluation of European Union Structural Funds programmes. The COP was initiated by the Flemish European Social Fund Managing Authority in May 2009. Of particular interest here is the Community’s Knowledge CenterAfrican Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results AfCoP MfDR
Established in 2007, the African Community of Practice is a bilingual community made up of over 2,000 members from 42 African countries. The AfCoP’s mission is to build capacity to manage for development results through South-South sharing of results-based development solutions, networking, and building strong relationships between results practitioners in Africa and around the world AfCoP members are from African governments, civil society, academia, the private sector, and independent results experts in the field who strive to make their organizations and their governments more effective. The AfCoP also has attracted members from other regions, fostering a cross-regional knowledge exchange.National Planning Processes and Accountability
A conversation between Gilbert E. OLOKO and Igor LUBOFF during an online discussion held on the African Community of Practice in Managing for Development Results (AfCoP-MfDR) in January-February 2014.
Asia-Pacific Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results (APCoP)
APCoP is a regional country network of ADB developing member countries (DMC) in the Asia-Pacific region which shares a common objective of introducing and institutionalizing MfDR in public management. It promotes learning and knowledge exchange among public managers, organizations, executing agencies and practitioners on how to better achieve results in country operations. APCoP supports the mainstreaming of MfDR capacity development in country operations by helping establish country-based networks for demand driven MfDR initiatives. Of particular interest is the CoP -Library with resources listed by country.
Latin-American and Caribbean Community of Practice on MfDR (CoP LAC MfDR)
The mission of this community is to promote learning and knowledge exchange among public managers, organizations, executing agencies and practitioners on how to manage better for development results, primarily through active participation by members of the Community in a learning network.Canadian Government Executive: A Journal & a Community of Practice
Canadian Government Executive is the journal of record for public sector executives. Now in its 19th year of publishing, CGE reaches a wide national audience of senior decision-makers and managers across federal, provincial and municipal jurisdictions. Its mission is to contribute to excellence in public sector management. The contributors are among the sector’s most well-known and respected thought leaders. One of them is Art Stewart. In this article, he looks at whether current collective RBM efforts and practices are good enough for these challenging times.Community of Practice on “DoView” Visual Outcomes Planning
On this group you can discuss any aspect of DoView Visual Outcomes Planning and DoView Software. The approach uses visual models (called 'Do-Views') for project, organizational and sector strategic planning; performance management; indicator monitoring (KPIs); evaluation; evidence-based practice; and contracting.Mango: A Community of Practice on NGO Financial Management
Mango is an award-winning (honoured at the 10th Annual UK Charity Awards in the International Aid & Development Category, In 2009) UK registered charity with the mission is to strengthen the financial management and accountability of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and their partners. The Mango Community is for finance and non-finance staff from NGOs around the world who are keen to improve their financial management by using Mango's services and sharing experiences and ideas… Of particular interest in this website is this unusual discourse on RBM: What's wrong with Results-Based Management? In this Guide to Financial Management you will find “Ten reasons why RBM is not an effective way of managing and reporting most NGOs’ performance”. The Guide was developed by Mango.RBM Best Practices in First Nations & Inuit Community Programmes
For more than 15 years, the lack of home care services relevant for First Nations and Inuit communities has been identified as a significant health and social issue. In response to this need, a Joint Health Canada / Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (DIAND) / First Nations / Inuit working group was formed to develop a framework for a comprehensive home care program. The programme was designed following a results-based model.
Related Contents
Outcomes Theory Knowledge Base
A comprehensive knowledge platform worth visiting: The Outcomes Theory Knowledge Base is being developed by Dr Paul Duignan, an international outcomes, evaluation and strategic expert. As he puts it himself: “Stakeholders, funders, decision-makers and the media are increasingly demanding that organizations ‘prove that they work’ if they are to continue to receive funding and support. To get into the ‘what works’ game (as every project, group, organization and government is currently trying to do), we all need a clear conceptual framework for talking about outcomes. Outcomes theory provides that framework. It doesn’t matter what sector or topic you are involved in, outcomes theory has something to say to you if your job involves working with any aspect of outcomes thinking”.RBM Handbook: Harmonizing RBM concepts and approaches for improved development results at country level United Nations Development Group (UNDG), 2011, 68 pages.
Evaluation of Results-Based Management in UNDP, 2007, 149 pages.
This report presents the assessment of an independent evaluation conducted by the UNDP Evaluation Office of the adoption of results-based management as an approach. Results-based management was introduced in UNDP in1999 and considerable experience has been gained by the organization since its introduction.Results-based Management in Supreme Audit Institutions
Report (in Spanish) of the international seminar “Best practices, New Challenges, and Opportunities for Results-based Management in Supreme Audit Institutions” that took place in Santiago, Chile, in 2010, organized by the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile (CGR) and the Interamerican Development Bank.Innovation in Indian Government Departments - Assessment of 2013-14 Results Framework Documents (RFDs). 2007, 69 pages.
An overview of managing for development results at IFAD, 32 pages, booklet.
The booklet promotes a better understanding of what managing for development results (MfDR) is, and of the tools that IFAD uses to implement it. More specifically it:• introduces MfDR concepts and terms; • explains how IFAD is implementing MfDR; • describes the benefits of MfDR to IFAD and its clients and partners; and • highlights the key challenges to MfDR and how they may be overcome.An overview of RBM at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Of particular interest is a briefing on state-of-the-art results based managementin technical cooperation, by Mr. Jean Serge Quesnel (Mr Jean Serge Quesnel currently teaches at the United Nations System Staff College, Carleton University and Quebec University. Mr Quesnel was Director of the Evaluation Office at UNICEF, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Canadian International Development Agency. He was also the Chair of the United Nations Task Group on Evaluation Norms and Procedures for the UN System).
Global Environment Facility (GEF) – Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool (AMAT)
A presentation on Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool (AMAT or tracking tool) that measures progress toward achieving the outputs and outcomes established at the portfolio level under the LDCF/SCCF GEF (two Funds under the UNFCCC that prioritize adaptation; managed by the GEF Secretariat).RBM or sustaining rural poverty reduction: Lessons from IFAD 7th regional forum, 2012, 36 pages…
A sharing of experiences on successful applications of RBM for poverty reduction:
1) The Programme National d’Appui aux Acteurs des Filières Agricoles (PNAAFA) in Guinea; 2) the Community-based Agriculture and Rural Development Program (CBARDP) in Nigeria; 3) In Senegal and Chad, projects have promoted monitoring and evaluation tables, which were either participatory or based on the study of the differences between planned activities and actual achievements, as tools to communicate performance and results; 4) IED Afrique and the IFAD communication innovative communication and knowledge management tools. These tools are an inspiration for projects aiming to overcome the major challenge of communicating results and best practice documentation;
5) The Fonds de Développement en zone Sahélienne (FODESA) in Mali and Rural Finance Project (RFP) in The Gambia shared their success in strengthening local development by regenerating biodiversity and facilitating credit access in rural area; 6) In Mali, the use of RBM in defining the public-private partnership allowed the alibiocarburant company to build a win-win partnership with Jatropha producers, whose income and living conditions clearly improved.Smart Toolkit for Evaluating Information Projects, Products and Services
In 2005, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) along with the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) and a host of other institutions and individuals from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, EU, Canada, Sri Lanka and the United States produced the first version of the Smart Toolkit for Evaluating Information Products and Services. Since then, the first version has been updated and modified in response to feedback of information practitioners to produce the second version - Smart Toolkit for Evaluating Information Projects, Products and Services. You can find that second version here.Importance of Performance Management Process & Best Practices To Optimize Monitoring Performance Work Reviews/Feedback and Goal Management – A Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide concrete guidelines and practical steps that can be used to improve the performance management processes at your organization… While human resources professionals clearly understand the importance of optimal performance management, they often face significant internal obstacles. When someone mentions performance management or reviews at your organization, what is the typical response? Do employees and managers alike cringe? Do they avoid performance management related tasks? Do visions of tracking down incomplete appraisal forms come to mind? This can be changed. Forward thinking companies are taking steps to successfully address this negative view of performance management. They are implementing innovative solutions that ensure processes deliver real results and improve performance.Best practices in incentive compensation from the perspective of Value-Based Management
This article consists in studying existing methods of incentive granting from a value management perspective and in suggesting some alternatives that could be used by companies during a volatile period characterized by financial economic challenges.
Comparing Balanced Scorecard and Results Based Management Frameworks
This paper compares and contrasts two of the most widely adopted Performance Management (PM) frameworks – Balanced Scorecard and Results-Based Management. It reviews the two frameworks’ independent origins and separate evolutionary paths, and examines the resulting differences in practical application. Two case studies are presented, one examining Results- Based Management implementation within a global UN agency, the other describing work to build a 3rd Generation Balanced Scorecard within a Middle Eastern government ministry. The authors propose that the two frameworks are converging in terms of the approaches used for framework design and implementation.Best Practices: Ensuring ease of access to project indicator sets and reporting templates
This webpage has been developed to ensure ease of access to project indicator sets and eporting templates by National IWRM Project Management Units, Demonstration Project Coordinating Committees, and APEX Water Bodies in Pacific Island Countries. Of particular interest is the use of Project Results Notes as they are instrumental for harmonization and systematization in reporting.Taking Measure: Moving from Process to Practice in Performance Management, 28 pages, 2013.
Between March and July 2013, the Partnership for Public Service* and Grant Thornton’s Public Sector* practice interviewed more than 50 PIOs and deputy PIOs, held three focus groups and administered a survey on performance management to determine whether performance leaders thought their agencies were making progress on improving performance. This report is the output of that survey.
The Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRA Modernization Act) provided a strong impetus for change in how agencies measured and monitored performance. They have had to create chief operating officer (COO) and performance improvement officer (PIO) positions, and they are required to meet regularly to review their progress. The PIO is expected to take fundamental responsibility for using data to assess and enhance performance and often works in tandem with the agency’s COO and deputy secretary, demonstrating the importance agencies place on performance improvement.
* The Partnership for Public Service is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to revitalize the US federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. Grant Thornton’s Global Public Sector practice helps government executives maximize performance and efficiency in the face of tightening budgets and increased demand for services.
Assessing an Organization’s Readiness for Performance Management
Howard Risher, Ph.D., is a consultant based in Wayne, Pennsylvania, who helps public and private employers with pay and performance issues. He is the coauthor of ICMA’s IQ Report, Pay for Performance: The Road to Success. He has authored a number of books and articles, including two reports for the IBM Center for the Business of Government, Pay for Performance: A Guide for Federal Managers, and a report released in June 2007, Managing for Better Performance: Enhancing Federal Performance Management Practices… In this comprehensive timeless article, he focuses on the steps that agencies should consider to build support for more effective performance management practices.Collaborative Performance in the context of Outcomes-based Accountability Frameworks and Tools for Health Improvement
A 16-slide presentation made by Erica Wimbush, NHS Health Scotland, at ESRC Seminar, University of Strathclyde, 4 April 2011. The presentation has two main components: 1. Outcomes-based accountability in the Scottish context–lessons and challenges; and 2. Tools for collaborative performance.PMER (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting) – Pocket Guide. 16 pages, 2012.
By the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The content of this Guide summarizes three key IFRRC PMER resources and related tools: 1) Project/Programme Planning (PPP) Guidance Manual; 2) Project/Programme Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Guide; and Framework for Evaluation. These resources can be found at this address
Uncovering the politics of "evidence" and "results". A framing paper for development practioners. 32 pages, 2013. By Rosalind Eyben.
This is a background paper for a Conference organized by the Big Push Forward, an initiative seeking political space for development practitioner s to support transformative and locally owned development.SADC Secretariat’s compliance with the international benchmarks of good practice in institutional management. 10 pages, 2013.
For several years SADC (Southern African Development Community) Secretariat has been engaged on a process of institutional reform and upgrading of its administrative and management systems, processes, procedures and internal controls. This was done through a series of interventions on key subject areas including Results-Based Management: 1) Capacity building during institutional reform; 2) Audit and Risk Management; 3) Management by Results; 4) Independent Procurement Unit; 5) Regional Statistics.Managing for Impact: The Managing for Impact Portal about participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation
This portal is the portal for Managing for Impact (M4I), with particular focus on Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME). The portal is managed by Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), Wageningen University and Research centre. It provides access to key publications and internet resources on planning, monitoring and evaluation. Special reference is made to Managing for Impact, an integrated approach to managing for results with attention to engaging people in a learning oriented process. The portal aims to provide an overview of what is happening worldwide in the area of PPME and managing for impact.
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