For fifty years, Africa has contemplated its present and
imagined its future under the umbrella of a common organization, yesterday
called the OAU,the AU today. Born in the wake of independence struggles often
harsh and hard-won, the AfricanUnion is paying a due tribute to the
« Founding Fathers.» Kwame Nkrumah, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Felix Houphouet-Boigny,
Sekou Toure, Modibo Keita or Julius Nyerere ... Familiar names in the breviary
of every African, identity markers, figureheads. Yes, but where are the women ?
It was about time to remember and acknowledge the crucial contribution of the «
Founding Mothers » in the liberation and emancipation process, from North to
South, East to West, obviously in a pan-African approach.
Apart from a few familiar figures like Winnie Mandelaand Djamila
Boukhires, it required to shake the grip of oblivion and search for unsung
heroines. Some are mentioned for the first time in writing, a real satisfaction.
So many others will never be known, despite their legendary achievements. This
is a real regret. Moreover, all countries are not housed in the same boat, as it
is true that the fight has not experienced
the same intensity in Benin and Cameroon, Madagascar or the Central African
Republic. The effort was never meant, however, to be exhaustive. The present
booklet is intended as a tribute to all the freedom fighters, an educational
reminder of the duality of gender, men and women, an exploration of unknown
aspects of the African women’s history, an inspiration for younger generations
in search for role models, a useful complement to celebrating suitably the
fiftieth anniversary of an organization that has quite a proud record in terms
of promoting gender equality. Is it not the only institution of its kind to have
implemented perfect parity among the ten commissioners, five of them being men?
The women involved in the struggle for independence in African countries
often have different backgrounds. Among them, educated women, illiterates, rural
women or urban women, housewives or even workers. During the colonial period and
beyond, the strength of women is linked to a major element: their place in the
market system, and those who have acquired economic independence were the first
to organize and demand rights for their community and themselves. On the
frontline, brave and fearless, market women in West Africa, but also in urban
South African who had to defend their rights against a battered colonial
administration, knocked down by their determination and organization. Most
quickly joined the ANC, which at its inception in 1912 was male dominated. The
following year, women began challenging the Orange State about the pass laws.
Industry workers would start campaigning in unions, which later became true
powerhouses in the anti-Apartheid struggle.
Women in West Africa rebelled against the poll tax, thus against injustice and
for their survival through underestimated “informal activities”. Same struggle
for Mau Mau Women in Kenya who have laid the groundwork for the liberation wars
in Eastern colonies. In Zimbabwe, the first female leader appears in the 19th
century and is called Nehanda. In Nigeria, women appearing to be much more
tenacious than men were willing to use all weapons, ancient or modern, and
showed a remarkable ability to fight despite their widespread illiteracy
In Côte d’Ivoire, five thousand women departed from A bidjan f or a m arch over
to t he civil prison of Grand Bassam where their husbands were incarcerated
without trial. Like a tightly bonded swarm of bees that nothing could stop, they
defied the colonial judiciary system. In North Africa, the fierce armed struggle
Algeria requires a strong mobilization, and especially by women. Most Algerian
FLN supporters were active members of the “Bomb Network”, as liaison agent or
bag carrier. Some under-cover combatants would die in the bush, carrying weapons.
Lately, the armed struggle for the independence of South Sudan has had to rely
on the courage and commitment of women for the victory in July 2011. All these
heroines, true warriors, have indeed participated in wars of national liberation
and led not only to political independence
in the country, but also represent a major step forward in improving the status
of women. And because women’s memory should be kept alive,
the present publication is grateful for following supports: Femmes Africa
Solidarité (FAS), the collective GIMAC (Gender Is My Agenda Campaign), with the
support of OXFAM this book exists. It may be enhanced by the contribution of all
those who have bits of collective memory, photos, names, stories covering the
unsung heroines of struggle movements. We gratefully acknowledge all those who
have contributed directly or indirectly to this tribute to the “Founding Mothers”,
especially Mrs Bineta Diop, President of FAS, Oley Dibba-Wadda,
Vicky Luyima, Coumba Fall Venn, Samatha McKenzie Catherine Mabobori, Monique
Kande, HE Mrs. Clementine Shakembo, Linus Gitahi.

Marie-Roger Biloa,
Millenium Club |